30 Landing Page Examples From Real Brands (2023 Designs)

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30 Landing Page Examples From Real Brands (2023 Designs)

2023-02-02 23:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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You often hear about the importance of landing pages for businesses. 💼 Perhaps you’ve already read some articles focusing on landing page tips or on best practices when creating them. However, this is all just a theory. A better way to get insight into what your own landing page should look like is to analyze actual landing page examples that real brands use.

The goal 🎯 of this post is exactly that – to show you various examples of landing pages from existing online brands. This will help you understand how successful companies utilize this marketing tool.

👉 In this article, we’ll feature 30 real landing page examples from brands that you have heard about before—or at least most of them.

30 examples of #LandingPages from real brands (current #design) 🤩 🪂 Click To Tweet Real landing page examples for your inspiration

Let’s talk about each landing page individually to understand what’s interesting about it and why it works. The landing pages are listed in no particular order.

Copyblogger landing page examples: Copyblogger

This landing page is an example of one that uses long-form copy. It takes an informative approach to achieve its promotional goals. Its purpose is to make you sign up for the Copyblogger membership.

The company relies on the fact that information is power. It believes that if they make their potential customers more aware of what they’re being asked to buy, that those readers will be more likely to make a conscious buying decision. As a result, this will expand Copyblogger’s membership community.

It’s worth noting that the first call to action on this page shows up near the end of the content and repeats itself several times afterward, urging people to join.

Codecademy landing page examples: Codecademy

Codecademy’s training for businesses has a landing page that highlights what you receive, as a company, if you join their program. It’s a visually enticing page that comes with calls to action that reflect Codecademy’s brand.

With a concise summary of what their business plan offers, this landing page checks it all in terms of must-have elements that bring in results.

Airbnb landing page examples: Airbnb

This is Airbnb’s landing page dedicated to people who want to put their house or apartment online for rent – otherwise known as hosts. The first noticeable things are the copy and the nice video that complements the text.

If you continue to scroll down, you get the chance to learn a lot about what it takes to be a host – all put in just a few simple words and with a gorgeous design. It even has an engagement section where visitors can fill out a form to generate results tailored to their needs.

The cool part about this landing page is that it has a few different calls to action that lead to other great landing pages that help the user learn about the hosting process in a fun way.

Uber landing page examples: Uber

Similar to Airbnb, another one on our list of landing page examples, Uber also has a page that recruits from the supply-side of their business model, which in Uber’s case is the drivers. The page uses a simple black-and-white color scheme, with compelling copy and a form for prospective drivers to complete. Below the fold, visitors can learn about the benefits of driving for Uber, and the documents you need to be accepted.

All this information is short, concise, and easy to follow. It’s not crowded or confusing. To expand a section, visitors are provided various calls to action that open up on another page where they can learn more about that topic.

The FAQ section at the end of the landing page is also a way to get fast access to the most common curiosities.

Optimole landing page examples: Optimole

This is an example of a landing page that offers people the chance to test the tool before buying it. It’s like a proof of concept that takes the form of a landing page.

In this case, the results of the test may convince the visitor to at least try the product and, hopefully, eventually purchase it. This is a good example of a marketing strategy focused on attracting new customers by offering them a test-drive, so that they can experience how the product works right on the spot.

CodeinWP landing page examples: CodeinWP

The goal of this landing page is to increase downloads. It promotes an eBook in a fashion that’s similar to Copyblogger’s membership initiative, but with less content. It summarizes the contents of the eBook using both written and visual elements.

What’s great about this landing page is the efficient mix of clear content and cool design. It keeps the visitor engaged and eager to find out more.

Shopify landing page examples: Shopify

Shopify’s free trial is one of the more minimalist landing page examples featured in this article. The copy is short, and the intent is clear. There’s a field for the user to add their email address, a call to action, and an image of a store.

If you scroll down, you will also see the three most convincing Shopify features, a customer quote, and a small FAQ. On this landing page, the company is able to briefly sum up what Shopify is about with a user-friendly layout.

Starbucks landing page examples: Starbucks

Through this landing page, Starbucks aims to offer rewards to customers by asking for their contact details in return. If you join the program, they promise to compensate you with free coffee. The message is clear straight away, but if you scroll down, you can get a few more succinct ideas about how the program works and how you can become eligible for the prizes.

You’ll notice that Starbucks never gives up its recognizable brand colors. Apart from the friendly layout, clear message, and friendly design, you’ll see fun icons, a field where you can submit your codes, and various calls to action if you seek more information on related topics.

ēdn landing page examples: ēdn

This is another lively landing page example that grabs your attention. It’s a subscription-based company that sells smart gardens and wants to get new members on board by using this landing page.

The fresh design and strategic use of green color variations makes it easy to navigate and understand all the conditions and benefits of joining their membership program. The page has cute icons, a nice table that briefly displays the perks of becoming a member, and some product recommendations to begin your membership.

Ahrefs landing page examples: Ahrefs

Another good landing page example that invites visitors to directly test their product is Ahrefs free SEO tools. By testing, trial members immediately get to use the tool, and many of them eventually turn into frequent users.

This kind of landing page is engaging, provides value by giving the visitor data right away, and offers a palette of tools that reinforce why the potential customer would want to use Ahrefs (i.e., – to improve SEO). With all of these prospective benefits on the table, the Ahrefs landing page gets the company leads on a regular basis.

Fitbit landing page examples: Fitbit

This is a smart one among our landing page examples. Created by Fitbit, the page aims to help potential customers find the best product for their needs. Since the Fitbit catalog is huge and, hence, can be overwhelming, they created a quiz to help visitors narrow down their choices.

The simple design of the landing page is mostly based on images, calls to action, and a few actionable words.

Google Workspace landing page examples: Google Workspace

Most landing pages that Google creates are rather minimalist, and this one is no exception. This particular one includes visuals like images, short video clips, news bits, banners, and stylized copywriting. The page also shows a preview of what editing a document looks like with Google, which is a nice added touch to the overall presentation.

Problogger Problogger

Problogger’s goal with this landing page is to get more subscribers to their premium services. It’s actually amazing how dead simple the content on this page is. What it has is actionable titles, brief copy, a short video, a nicely designed list of recommendations, big icons that lead to other related landing pages, and calls to action (of course).

Medium Medium

One of the coolest landing page examples featured here, Medium uses simplicity to gain new paid members. What stands out about this landing page is the focus on visual presentation and sharp copywriting.

As opposed to other landing pages that use long-form content to provide extensive information, Medium does it using brief, focused copy with a simple call to action, and it’s all wrapped up in a beautiful design.

Wix Wix

This Wix landing page invites visitors to try their free logo maker. It’s so nicely done and straightforward that you become curious about how it works, and it entices you to go all the way to the end to see the result.

The page itself is rich in modern design, images, copywriting, animations, colored backgrounds, and other eye-catching visuals. It also gives a short step-by-step guide on what it takes to create a cool logo.

Spotify Spotify

The Spotify download page is one of the most minimalist landing page examples on the internet. With a bright header and simple calls to action via text and buttons, Spotify ensures visitors won’t get lost in any lengthy details. They either convert, or they leave.

Paypal Paypal

Paypal’s landing page is another example of an eBook promotion. It’s rather minimalist and focuses on efficiently passing on their message.

There’s no sophisticated design. What you see is formal business copywriting, along with a form. It’s simple, to-the-point, and generates leads by offering people a downloadable eBook in return for their personal information.

Click & Grow Click & Grow

This is another among our landing page examples that is meant to get people on board of a membership program. Through simplicity, they invite visitors to join their loyalty program by presenting its benefits.

The copy and the table are spot-on and highlight why joining the program only comes with advantages. The steps, form, and social proof (via social media posts) reinforce the overall presentation as visitors scroll down the page.

Codeable Codeable

This is an example of a plain landing page where visitors see whitespace and parallel boxes of content that give two options to get started. There’s nothing to linger on here – the copy tells you what the page is about and how the two options differ.

For each option, there is a call to action that brings the visitor closer to their goal. The only visual elements here are the two icons and the minimalist layout. Even so, it doesn’t feel like there’s anything missing.

Your Online Life Coach Your Online Life Coach

This example is a contact page that urges visitors to take action by providing various ways of getting in touch with a life coach. Even the URL says “find a life coach.” The design and the approach provide visitors with mental comfort because it makes it seem easy to get what you need in just a few clicks.

It also features a short video, a few paragraphs of content, and yet another call to action in the form of a newsletter subscription button.

Zoom Zoom

This Zoom landing page for meetings starts with proof that this tool is one of the leaders in the online conferencing market. This type of data builds trust among people who have never tried the product before.

It continues with features and statistics, all presented in a visual-friendly interface – icons, images, columns, banners, and lists. The vibe is professional throughout.

MyFitnessPal MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal’s is a great addition to our list of landing page examples. It’s for their premium version of the app. The design is a lively one and it’s meant to display the contrast between the free features and the paid ones. The page uses bright colors, white backgrounds with unintrusive images, a table, and sharp messages.

Following the same lively and simple design pattern, MyFitnessPal uses a carousel for testimonials, two pricing boxes, and a short FAQ section. All of these elements are presented in just a few scrolls of a mouse or trackpad.

Canva Canva

Canva’s free banner maker has a clear landing page that blends both informative content and images. Above the fold, you’ll see an actual banner as an example of what you can build with the Canva tool.

The text is shown in beautiful columns and quickly summarizes how easy it is to create a banner, followed by a few features that the tool provides.

WordPress WordPress

This landing page by WordPress invites visitors to start using the WordPress website builder in order to create a beautiful site of their own. The copy tone is personal and friendly and is an example of a short-form content landing page.

With a modern, colorful design, along with typography and images that stand out, the visitor is presented with what WordPress offers and what they’ll get if they choose to move forward with it.

The “Start your website” call to action is repeatedly displayed after each short section.

SEMrush SEMrush

SEMrush’s SEO Toolkit landing page is meant to keep visitors engaged with all the free tools the company provides. Once a visitor clicks on one of the tools, it sparks their curiosity, and they end up spending valuable time on the website.

Since you need to create an account to access the tools, they get leads right away. The design of the landing page is simple: it comes with a clever call to action and a field where visitors can instantly test their domain.

Afterwards, they can scroll through the various products and click to learn more about each. There’s also a sidebar to the left, where the tools are listed plainly by category.

NextDraft NextDraft

NextDraft’s newsletter subscription page is the one of the simplest landing page examples on this list. It’s probably the simplest. Visitors are asked to subscribe in the fewest possible words, with a design entirely made up of whitespace. The slogan is also simple and easy to remember, and it plainly explains what visitors are subscribing to in just six words.

Slack Slack

Slack’s known for a lot of things, so it’s perhaps no surprise that their landing page examples are also pretty optimized. This particular one juxtaposes Slack against one of the most established forms of messaging communication: email. It tries to convince visitors that Slack is a better and more advanced form of communication.

How? By mentioning the weaknesses of email and by emphasizing their own strengths. These are showcased in a dynamic design, with GIFs and animations.

Revolut Revolut

Revolut’s landing page for businesses is mostly based on visuals. Bold typography, brief bits of copywriting, colorful cards, and subtle animations. The cards actually highlight every feature in such a way that visitors cannot miss them.

Every card is clickable and leads to even more visual and interactive landing pages where visitors can learn more about the product’s benefits. The design overall is friendly, and it keeps you scrolling because the copy is short and easy to follow.

FinMasters FinMasters

This is another cool landing page similar to the ones for eBooks. Even though this one promotes a template rather than an eBook, it’s still a downloadable digital product. The nice colors and the structure of the content make the page easily accessible and readable.

FinMasters uses columns with images and text to showcase what’s inside the template and other useful points to consider before downloading. It has some of the most beautiful typography among the landing page examples on this list, which also contributes to its overall visual presentation.

Booking Booking

Similar to Airbnb, Booking uses this landing page to get more customers to list their properties on their platform. Above the fold, there’s a short copy clearly revealing the intent and a call to action.

Below the fold, there’s airy content in the form of checklists, boxes, columns with icons, and statistics. The structure and form make it easy to follow, so visitors can read the copy entirely.

Go to top Conclusion 🧐

To wrap this up, we hope that our list of curated landing page examples gave you a better vision of how an actual, effective landing page should look. As you saw, some are utterly simple, while others focus on captivating visuals and design.

30 examples of #LandingPages from real brands (current #design) 🤩 🪂 Click To Tweet

What all of them have in common, though, are the calls to action and a clear message of what the page is about. Readers should know exactly what they’re signing up for or what they’ll be getting if they click on a call to action.

Another important aspect to remember is that all of these landing pages have only one single goal 🎯 – not more. Before creating your own landing page, you need to ask yourself: what do I want to achieve with it? The answer should have one scope (e.g., – make people buy a membership, make people donate, get subscribers, etc).

Which one of these landing page examples do you find the most appealing? Let us know if you have any other great examples that are worth sharing.

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